Heal Your Broken Heart and
Embrace Life Again
Grief is Unique. Your Loss is Unique.
Sign up to Download my FREE eBook "11 Myths and Realities Regarding Loss".
The 11 Principles to Transform Grief and Loss
If you are experiencing a loss in your life, you may feel alone and that nobody understands you. People may want to fix you but what you need is a helping hand. Allow me to lend you that helping hand and join us in this course that can change your life for the better.
Online Program plus 12 Weekly Zoom meetings with Ligia M. Houben
With great care and understanding, allow me to guide you throughout these 12 weeks starting on May 29, 2024 at 8pm. Besides being a thanatologist and a certified grief counselor, I am a bereaved daughter and sister. From the bottom of my heart I know what grief is and my greatest desire is for you to feel understood, accompanied, and also empowered.
Join Us NOW
Los 11 principios para transformar pérdida y duelo
En este programa tendrás la oportunidad de sanar de adentro hacia afuera. Si eres como yo, tu corazón se ha roto más de una vez. Esto puede ser debido a la pérdida de un ser querido, un divorcio, una pérdida de salud o la pérdida de una mascota.
Transform your Loss. Your Guide to Strength and Hope
This self-help book is your guide in times of loss and grief. It helps you heal from the inside out if you are experiencing the death of a loved one, a divorce, the loss of a job, or any challenging life transition.
Order HereTransforma tu Pérdida. Una antología de fortaleza y esperanza
Este libro de autoayuda es tu guía en tiempos de pérdida y duelo. Te ayuda a sanar de adentro hacia afuera si estás experimentando la muerte de un ser querido, un divorcio, la pérdida de tu trabajo, o cualquier otra transición difícil de vida.
Ordene Aquí
Dan Tura
I loved the seminar and felt inspired to assist my clients in their grief and or loss. Also I was pleased to learn a lot of different strategies to help them and myself with the grief and or loss process.

Douglas Tubach
Loved your Seminar in Boston last Thursday. Bought your book. You are awesome and inspiring. When I heard you speak I could hear healing in your voice. Thank-You for being who you are and giving what you have to others. May you continue to be an instrument of healing to all those you encounter. Peace

Nancy Watson
I can not say enough wonderful things about working with Ligia Houben! She has helped me through the most difficult transitions of my life. And what is most amazing is how she continues to be my guide, even though we are hundreds of miles away from each other.